Collective applicant license for racers

Whoever wants to start as a participant in official motor sport events must also have an applicant license in addition to the driver license. This is directly included in the LOC and REG licenses. For the other licenses it must be purchased separately.

Every driver can buy a private applicant license in his or her name from Auto Sport Schweiz for a fee. Alternatively, it is also possible to start under the collective applicant license, a so-called racing association.

As part of our commitment to racing, we have issued a collective applicant license and allow all ACS members to compete under this license. If you would like to use this service, simply download the application form from your user account, complete the form and send it to ACS Central Administration.

Upon receipt, we will send you the required authorization free of charge within a week.
The driver 
license itself cannot be purchased through the ACS - please contactAuto Sport Schweiz directly for this.

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